1481 Chain Bridge Rd,
Suite 103
McLean, VA 22101
While it is easy to understand the importance of exercise for the upkeep of the body, we do not always realize that exercise is also important for our brain. A brain stimulated with sensory messages both energizes and relaxes us. Since the ear is the main channel for the transmission of sensory messages from the human body, it plays a key role in all human functions. This stimulation may be impaired when the brain triggers a mechanism of inhibition or protection, which may occur following an isolated traumatic event known as emotional shock. The brain also tends to protect itself progressively when the external environment is perceived as aggressive. This may be true for people who are facing a reorganization of their routine, an increase of responsibility, the loss of familiar references, and social pressure.
The Tomatis Listening Therapy acts on the limbic system in the medial part of the brain, to which the auditory system is linked. Among other things, this part of the brain is responsible for the mechanisms of emotion, memory, and learning. Moreover, an organ in the middle ear known as the cochlea plays the role of a cortical charger. By acting on the limbic system and prefrontal cortex, the Tomatis Listening Therapy intervenes in the regulation of emotional disorders related to depression and anxiety. And it will also act effectively on the regulation of stress.
* Foreign language learning difficulties
During its development, a child has to learn to select the sound elements that are compatible with its linguistic environment, and at the same time ignore those elements that are absent from the phonetic structures that it perceives in its usual surroundings. The child will acquire a linguistic coding by adjusting to the sound structures of its own language. But because this coding is specific to each language, it will rapidly become a brake on the learning of a foreign language, insofar as the sounds of the foreign language do not conform to the sound patterns of its native language, which have been interiorized during infancy. A language is therefore first of all a kind of music, that is, an ensemble of specific rhythms and sounds. These rhythms and sounds constitute the fundamental sound substrate on which all other acquisitions will be based (for example, lexical, syntactical, and semantic acquisitions).
The goal of the Tomatis Listening Therapy is to give to anyone wishing to learn a foreign language the possibility of truly appropriating these rhythms and sounds by allowing the ear to adapt itself effectively to this foreign music, so that it may analyze and reproduce it. This requires that students free themselves from the usual rhythmic and sonorous habits of their native language, habits that often have a negative influence on learning a new language.
*Preparation for childbirth
It is well-established that when the mother is expecting, she transmits to her child the entire panoply of affective and emotional states she experiences, both negative and positive. This is why it is important that during this exceptional period of communication, the future mother experience the best possible conditions of relaxation and calm. Moreover, the maternal voice is perceived by the fetus, and thus constitutes a sort of primordial affective sound substance, which is absolutely important for the physical and psychic development of the child. This is why it is very important that the sound of the maternal voice be pleasantly perceived by the child.